How Homeopathy Works

Homeopathy is a more than 200 years old field of medicine and science and is used by tens of thousands of doctors and millions of people worldwide giving it the place in the most popular forms of alternative medicine which is even more effective than any form of medicine and without any side effects.

It is based on the principle of “like cures like” or “similiasimilbiscurantur” unlike Allopathy which is based on the principle “contrariacontrariscurantur” or “opposites cure opposite”.

There is lot of skepticism about homeopathy for its use of highly diluted medicines but people forget to use the term Potentization or Succussion which unfolds the power of a drug at molecular, atomic and subatomic levels which makes the homeopathic medicine work at the deepest levels of the disease and holds the power to cure that disease even in its worst form and this has been shown innumerable times in the patients whatsoever the disease is.

Today’s science with it's material and quantitative perspective also believes in nanotechnology and the methods use to prepare homeopathic medicines are remarkably similar to the one used in cutting edge nanotechnology.

The nanoparticles play a vital and remarkable role in the action of homeopathic medicines at dynamic level and the Water and Alcoholic content in homeopathic medicines acts as a Water Memory to preserve the therapeutic powers of that particular drug along with the dynamic powers of the drug unfolded during potentisation and succussion of the medicine at he molecular, atomic and subatomic levels.

Our body at the same times hosts very useful microbes also which are of utmost importance in various pathophysiological processes taking place in our body and its never advisable to kill the useful microbes along with the disease causing microbes.

Hence the best option always is to strengthen the body against the disease causing microbes so that they cannot flourish in body that is very strong immunity wise and healthy and hence a healthy and immunity wise strong individual repels such disease causing microbes or even if they attack such an individual they can’t flourish and die out and ultimately an individual is safe and this is what Homeopathic Medicines do in an individual.

So what the sceptics frequently claim that there is no scientific evidence for Homeopathy is untrue and invalid. Homeopathy is spreading worldwide and increasing its popularity every day as the patients are being treated even for the incurable diseases and getting very good results without any side effects.

Use of Homeopathy comes with benefits including great outcomes, less use of drugs including antibiotics and economic benefits as well.