Abortion or Miscarriage


Abortion– It is also known as termination of pregnancy before the complete term.

Threatened Abortion or Threatened Miscarriage refers to the vaginal bleeding in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and it is generally accompanied with abdominal pain and cramps.

Risk Factors For Threatened Abortion– Bacterial infection during pregnancy, Viral infection during pregnancy, Abdominal trauma, Intake of certain medicines or chemicals, Age above 35 is also considered a risk factor, Chronic disease, Uterine and cervical problems etc.

SCOPE OF HOMOEOPATHY IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF ABORTIONS– Classical Homoeopathy is best suited in the case of threatened abortions or threatened miscarriages and works effectively to prevent different kinds of abortions.

It also works wonders in case of the females who have generalized tendency to abort because of uterine weakness and other medical problems.

Also works best in abortions due to trauma.

Acts equally beneficial in females who have repeated tendency to abort in 2nd and 3rd month of the pregnancy.

Homeopathy also works in abortions due to septicaemia.


1.CIMCIFUGA/ACTAEA RACEMOSA– It works in females who have habitual tendency to abort at 2nd or 3rd month of the pregnancy.The guiding symptom is the pain across pelvis from hip to hip with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain.Facial blemishes are commonly seen in young women where this remedy is indicated.

2.SABINA-Paticularly suitable in threatened miscarriage and who have tendency to abort at 3rd month of the pregnancy,  the uterine pains extend to thighs,guiding symptom is the pain from sacrum to pubis and from below upwards shooting up the vagina. Also indicated in Atony of Uterus.

3.SECALE CORNUTUMThe guiding symptom with all the complaints is that the body is pervaded by sense of great heat internally and all the conditions are better from external cold.There is debility, anxiety and emaciation although appetite and thirst are excessive. During labor the expulsive action is missing. For threatened abortion about the 3rd month.  

4.CAULOPHYLLUM-Uterine weakness and mainly indicated in abortions from uterine debility. Works as tonic for the weakness of uterus.

5.HELONIAS DIOCAIndicated in abortions from uterine debility and weakness. The guiding symptoms are sensation of weakness, dragging and weight in the sacrum and pelvis with great languor and prostration. For tired, backachy females.Better when doing something(mental diversion) and worse motion.

6.KALI CARBONICUM– Also indicated in abortions. The guiding symptom is pain from small of back to thighs, weak back and pains are worse from motion in association with excessive weakness in back and excess sweating.  

7.ALETRIS FARINOSA Especially indicated in anaemic females who are tired all the time. Marked anaemic conditions. Bulky uterus, for habitual tendency to abortion in anaemic females.