Gait Disorders

Gait disorder in Parkinson's Disease


GAIT DISORDER- It refers to any problems with walking or movement patterns during gait. These are disruptions in the normal pattern of walking. Variety of gait disorders can occur ranging from mild to severe, and they can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life and ability to perform daily activities.


Gait disorders can be caused by a number of factors.

1.Neurological Conditions-These can be Parkinson’s disease(Progressive disorder of the nervous system which affects movement and balance and the symptoms include  tremors, stiffness and difficulty in initiating movements) Multiple sclerosis(Autoimmune disorder which affects the central nervous system causing muscle weakness, difficulty in coordination and balancing problems) Peripheral Neuropathy(There is numbness, weakness, and tingling in the extremities because it affects the nerves that transmit the information from the brain to the spinal cord)

2.Balancing Problems-Gait disorder may also be related to balance problems or changes in vision.

3.Side Effect Of Certain Medications-Certain medicines used to treat conditions such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as drowsiness, dizziness, and problems in coordination leading to difficulties with walking giving rise to gait disorders.

Medicines which are used to treat pain like opioids also cause drowsiness and impaired coordination responsible for gait disorders.

4.Cerebral Palsy-These are the conditions that affect movement and muscle tone, resulting in difficulties with walking, balance, and coordination. These difficulties arise due to damage to the brain that occurs during fetal development or in early childhood.

5.Stroke-It is a common cause of gait disorder. It can damage the parts of the brain that control movement and balance, leading to difficulties with walking. The severity depends on the extent of the brain damage caused by the stroke.

It can cause Hemiplegia which is the paralysis of the one side of the body resulting in disbalance and incoordination, it can also cause Spasticity which is the increased muscle tone and stiffness causing difficulty in controlling the movements also causes Ataxia(Incoordination which leads to difficulty in controlling the timing and the force of the movements) and Foot drop(difficulty in lifting the foot which causes difficulty in walking)

6.Musculoskeletal conditions-It can be Arthritis, Joint replacements and problems in Back.


1.Spastic gait-It is characterized by increased muscle tone and stiff movements in the legs, resulting in “spastic” limp. It is associated with conditions like Parkinsons disease, Multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries. There is difficulty with coordination and balance and individual may drag toes while walking.

2.Ataxic Gait-Characterized by unsteady and uncoordinated movements, often caused by damage to the cerebellum. It is common with the conditions like Ataxia, Multiple sclerosis and stroke. There is wider stance, unsteady and uncoordinated walk.

3.Parkinsonian Gait-It is associated with Parkinson’s disease and is characterized by slow, shuffling steps and a stooped posture. There is difficulty in starting and stopping during walking. Freezing episode are associated with this gate where the person is unable to take the step forward.

4.Hemiplegic Gait-It occurs as a result of a stroke or other damage to the brain, causing difficulty with weight-bearing and balance limited to one side of the body. Individual drag their affected side and have a tendency to fall to their affected side.

5.Neuropathic Gait-It is due to nerve damage, which affects the ability to feel sensations in the feet and legs. It results in loss of sensation where it becomes difficult to feel the ground and difficulty in controlling the position of the feet.

Individuals with this gate are more prone to foot ulcers and associated complaints.

6.Vestibular Gait-It is due to problems with the inner ear and balancing resulting in unsteadiness and difficulty walking. People have difficulty walking in the dark or on uneven surfaces. Individuals need help of walker to walk.

7.Arthritic Gait-Caused by joint pain and stiffness, often seen in individuals with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis(RA positive). It generally results in slow, stiff and painful walk and symptoms aggravate during winters and exposure to cold. Patients use physiotherapy and assistive devices to manage pain and improving the mobility.

8.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Gait-Caused due to breathing difficulties in chronic lung disease and characterized by a slow and labored gait. It results in shortness of breath associated with tiredness and fatigue during walking.


Homoeopathy takes in to consideration the underlying cause for a particular gait disorder and help in removal of that particular cause for e.g if the gait disorder is due to Arthiritis or RA then first of all Homeopathy medicines relieves the symptoms of Arthiritis or RA and the ultimate goal is to cure the underlying ailment and as a result the disorders in the gait improves.

And the same goes with the  other underlying causes for disorders in gait like for COPD gait the main motive of Classical Homeopathy is to treat the COPD and as a result the disorders in gait improves.


1.Calcarea Carbonicum-For phlegmatic plumpy individuals with a slow and tired gait and those who experience stiffness and weakness in the legs. It is used for individuals with joint pain and arthritis. Also indicated in Rheumatoid Arthiritis and there is weakness of extremities and swelling of joints specially knee. Indicated in Arthiritic nodosites. Also indicated in old sprains that did not heal. Individual is Sweaty and very much sensitive to cold.

2.Belladonna- This drug is always characterized with SUDDENNESS in its complaints. It is used for individuals with sudden, severe gait disorders, such as those caused by sudden injuries or infections. This remedy may be used for people who experience sudden weakness or numbness in the legs, as well as pain and heat in the affected area with the redness and shiny appearance of the affected part.

3.Rhus Toxicodendron- For gait disorders with arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. There is always a symptom of first motion aggravation in complaints related to joints and muscles. It is used for individuals with gait disorders that are caused by joint pain and stiffness, particularly in the hips, knees, and ankles. There is hot painful swelling of joints. Limbs are stiff and paralyzed and cold fresh air is not tolerated. Rhus Toxicodendron is used for people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other conditions that affect mobility. The pains aggravate on exposure to cold and cold air.

4.Gelsemium-It is used for individuals with gait disorders that are caused by neurological problems, such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. Sensation of Heaviness in the affected part is a keynote of this remedy. This remedy is used for people who experience weakness, unsteadiness, and difficulty starting and stopping walking. There is excessive trembling and weakness in the limbs. Ftigue even after slight exercise.

5.Hyoscyamus-It is used for individuals with gait disorders that are caused by neurological problems such as Parkinson’s disease. There is twitching and tremulous weakness of tendons and muscles. Constitutionally the person is inclined to be unseemly and immodest in acts, gestures and expressions.

6.Argentum Nitricum-It is mainly indicated for Ataxic gate disorders and where there is incoordination and imbalance. The person walks and stands unsteadily and there is trembling of extremities. Everywherein this remedy there are symptoms of incoordination, loss of control, and want of balance everywhere. Constitutionally the individual is very impulsive and always wants to do things in a hurry. Hurried and Worried in layman terms.

7.Lathyrus Odoratus- It is indicated in Spastic gate disorders and disorders of gait due to multiple sclerosis. Pralytic affections of lower extremities. Tremulous, tottering gait. There is excessive rigidity of legs. Knees knock againsteach other when walking.

Myelitis with marked spastic symptoms. Emaciation of lower limbs and gluteal muscles.

8.Agaricus Muscaris- It is indicated in Ataxic gait and various other gait disorders where there is jerking, twitching, trembling of the affected part. Symptoms appear diagonally as right arm and left leg. There is stiffness all over. Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic conditions of arm.

9.Physostigma-Indicated in various gait disorders where there is rigidity of muscles associated with paralysis. It works where there is problem in motor and reflex activity of the spinal cord which results in loss of sensibility to pain and muscular weakness followed by complete paralysis although muscular contractibility is not impaired. Sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep.

10.Mygale Lasiodora- For Unsteady gait and in Spastic gait disorders where there is constant motion of whole body, there is convulsive and uncontrollable movement of arms and legs. There is dragging of limbs during walking.