Face Acne




Acne Simplex also known as acne or pimple is a very common skin condition or may be chronic that affects millions of people around the world. It is characterized by the appearance of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the face, neck, back, and chest.


1.Changes In Hormones-An increase in androgens or male hormones during puberty can cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil also known as sebum that leads  to clogged hair follicles causing pimples.

2.Genetic Tendency– A family history of acne may increase an individuals  likelihood of developing the acne.

3.Bacterial Infection-Propionibacterium is a type of bacterium that naturally occurs on the skin, can thrive in clogged hair follicles and cause inflammation and acne

4.Excess Oil Production Or Sebum-Overproduction of oil (sebum) can contribute to the formation of clogged hair follicles which leads to inflammation and acne.

5.Dead Skin Cells-An accumulation of dead skin cells can clog hair follicles and inflammation and acne.

6.Certain Medications-Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, lithium, barbiturates sedatives and tranquilizers can increase the risk of developing acne.

7.Stress-Stress can trigger hormonal changes which can lead to acne.


1.Pimples-These are Small, red, inflamed bumps on the skin with white or yellow center that may contain pus.

2.Blackheads-Small dark clogged hair follicles appearing as dark spots on the skin.

3-Whiteheads-Small raised white bumps on the skin filled with pus and have a white center.

4.Papules-Small, solid, red , tender , raised bumps on the skin caused by inflammation in the hair follicles.

5.Pustules-Similar to papules but filled with pus.

6.Nodules-Large,  hard,  painful lumps which are deep seated often inflamed and cause scarring.

7.Cysts-Large, painful fluid-filled lesions similar to nodules but are located closer to the skin surface. These can also cause scarring.

ACNE VULGARIS- Acne vulgaris is a more severe form of acne simplex that can affects an individual life to an extent.

Acne vulgaris is a  more severe form of acne that involves the development of not only blackheads and whiteheads but also pimples, cysts, and nodules. Acne Vulgaris is often associated with inflammation and can result in scarring also.

These are most commonly found on the face, neck, chest, and back.

Acne vulgaris is caused by a combination of factors including hormonal imbalances, genetics, bacteria, and a buildup of sebum in the hair follicles.


Causes of acne Vulgaris are same as that of Acne Simplex and the difference lies in the severity of the acne.


Signs and symptoms of Acne Vulgaris are same as that of Acne simplex but the difference generally lies in the severity of the acne.

Acne Vulgaris is a more severe form of acne then Acne simplex.

ACNE ROSACEA It is a chronic and very common skin condition causing facial redness and inflammation, including pimple-like bumps and visible blood vessels, there is burning or stinging sensations, dry or sensitive skin, and thickening of the skin on the nose.

It mainly affects the face and is more common in fair skinned individuals. It is most common in middle-aged adults and is often mistaken for acne or eczema.

The meaning of Acne generally is Eruptions on Face.

CAUSES OF ACNE ROSACEA– The actual cause of Acne rosacea is still under research but somewhere down the line the causation can be understood by pathology involved in development of Simple Acne.

Generally the clogged pores of the skin or hair follicles cause acne. Hair follicles are mini tubes that hold the strand of hair and several glands open up in to the hair follicle, the excessive secretion of these glands can cause clogging in the hair follicle.

The excessive secretion of these glands can be due to some metabolic issues or constitutional issue where Classical Homeopathy works on this root cause of development of acne and corrects it on the permanent basis.

The hair follicles can clog due to

Excessive Secretion Of Sebum-It is an oily substance that acts as a protective barrier for the skin. Its excessive secretion leads to clogging of the pores causing acne, it is where Homeopathy works and maintains the normal content of sebum.

Too Much Bacteria-If the number of bacteria in the skin increases from its normal range then it can also cause the clogging of the hair follicles and leads to acne.

Dead Skin Cells-If the dead skin cells are not flushed properly then these may also clog the pores and cause infection and acne.


1.Genetics– Tendency for acne rosacea can run in families.

2.Demodex mites– Overpopulation of tiny mites called Demodex that live on the skin may contribute to rosacea.

3.Inflammation Of Skin– Chronic inflammation of the skin can lead to development of acne rosacea. The inflammation may be due to bacterial infection or hyperactive immune response.

4.Blood Vessel Abnormalities– Dilated blood vessels close to the surface of the skin are known to  cause redness and flushing.

5.Heliobacter Pylori-This bacteria has been found in high percentage in persons suffering from Acne Rosacea but the roe of this bacteria in acne rosacea is debatable.

6.Environmental Factors– Environmental factors such as exposure to sun, wind, cold, hot weather, stress, alcohol, spicy foods, and hot beverages can cause or aggravate symptoms of acne rosacea.

7.Skin irritation-People with acne rosacea are more susceptible to skin irritation caused by products such as skincare products, cosmetics, and fragrances.

8.Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Individuals with IBS are more prone to acne rosacea as has been seen in several cases.

9.Insulin Resistance-Insulin resistance and high levels of insulin like growth factor 1 may also be responsible to acne rosacea.

10.Digestive Disturbances-Digestive disturbances like indigestion, constipation also contribute to acne rosacea.


1-Sensation Of Burning Or Stinging-This sensation can be present in the affected are after trigger of environmental factors such as wind or exposure to sunlight and some particular food items to which the person is allergic.

2-Facial Redness-Affected are may be red and swollen and sometimes itchy and painful also.The redness can be temporary or persistent.

3-Flushing Of Face-There can be frequent flushing bouts that can last from several minutes to hours and can be caused by stress, wind, exposure to sunlight, alcohol, highly spiced food.

4-Appearance To Pimples– Acne rosacea can cause small, red, pimple-like bumps filled with pus, these may be mistaken for acne, but they are different in that they tend to be more widespread and appear on the central part of the face.

5– Rhinophyma-The skin on the nose can become thickened, bumpy, and enlarged, a condition known as rhinophyma. It can result in a bulbous or distorted appearance of the nose.

6-Appearance Of Small Red Lines On The Face-The broken blood vessels on the face mainly in the area of cheeks and nose can appear like small red lines. So it is because of the dilatation of the small blood vessels.


Classical Homeopathy works on the root cause for the different types of acne and the cause is treated rather than the acne only as a result the acne disappear completely once the cause is treated and at the same time the reoccurrence is also prevented without any side effects.


1.Sulphur-It is used for acne that is accompanied by itching, greasy or dirty  skin, and a tendency for the skin to become more irritated after washing. It is especially useful for acne that appears as pustules or cysts, and for people who have a history of skin problems such as eczema and other skin problems. Patient is hot and craves sweets and standing is the worst position for Sulphur patient.

2.Belladonna– Used for acne characterized by redness, heat, and swelling. For sudden and aggressive outbreaks of acne and the part affected is with a shiny appearance and hot to touch.

3.Calendula-It is also known as Homeopathic antibiotic and also used externally for skin problems, including acne, and is known for its ability to soothe and heal the skin. Useful for acne that is accompanied by soreness or tenderness. Also known as Homeopathic Antiseptic.

4.Kali bromatum-Acne accompanied by a feeling of tension in the skin, and for acne that appears on the chest and back. Tendency to develop skin problems in response to stress.

5.Nux vomica-For acne that is caused by stress and digestive issues, and for acne that appears as small, itchy pimples. Indicated in people who have a tendency to overeat or consume large amounts of alcohol and caffeine. Zealous, fiery temperament, Constitutionally individual is very ambitious in nature and very irritable.

6.Arsenicum Bromatum-For Acne Rosacea with violent papules on nose, worse in the spring. Specifically indicated for acne in young people.

7.Carbo Animalis-Indicated in Acne Rosacea which become hard and indurated, the acne are swollen and painful with lancinating, cutting and burning pains. Constitutionally the individual is anxious at night and avoids conversation. Acne are worse after loss of seminal fluid.

8.Sulphur Iodatum-Specially indicated in obstinate skin infections like acne and barber’s itch. Papular eruptions on face. Also indicated in weeping eczema and lichen planus.

9.Hydrocotyle Asiatica-The acne are usually dry with great thickening of the skin and exfoliation of scales. Pustular acne on chest. Also indicated in psoriasis gyrate on trunk and extremities, palms and soles. Constitutionally patient suffers from copius perspiration with every complaint.

10-Kali Iodatum-For acne rosacea and acne hydroa. Acne indurated and hard. Acne are worse in summers and dampness. Constitutionally the individual is sad and anxious with very harsh temper. Also indicated in ringworm, thrush and hives.

11-Berberis AquifoliumFacial skin rough, dry ,pimply and scaly. Eruptions on scalp extending to face and neck. Also indicated in psoriasis and dry eczema. Also known to clear the complexion of the face.