Earache / Otalgia


It is the pain in the ear that can be caused by various conditions, such as an ear infection, fluid buildup, injury to the ear, or pressure changes. Symptoms can include ear pain, ringing in the ear, temporary hearing loss, and discharge from the ear. The pain may be limited to one side or both the sides are equally affected. Type of pain can be throbbing, piercing, drawing, neuralgic etc.


1. Ear Infection – Infection in the external ear or middle ear. The infection can be bacterial or viral in nature and can be accompanied with the complication of cold, flu or sinusitis. Infection in the external ear is also known as Swimmers Infection that can be caused due to the retaining of water in the ear after swimming.

2. Exposure to loud noise – Listening to loud noises can lead to damage to minute hair cells and can cause hearing loss as well known as Induced Hearing Loss which can ultimately result in pain and tinnitus.

3. Blockages in the ear canal, such as earwax – Collection of ear wax in the canal also known as Ceruminosis can also lead to blockage of the ear associated with the pain along with the heaviness and loss of sensation in the ear area along with vertigo.

4. Sinusitis and upper respiratory infections – Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling in the sinuses which are air filled pockets located in the bones around the nose which can cause pain in the ear, pressure, congestion and neuralgia.

5. Toothaches, jaw problems, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders-It can also cause reffered pain in the ear. Jaw problems can also lead to pain in the ear, jaw and neck.

6. Injury or damage to the ear – An external injury to the ear can also cause pain and loss in hearing. An injury can be a direct blow to head or ear.

7. Changes in air pressure during Air Travel – It is also a form of injury to the ear where rapid changes in the pressure can cause damage to the ear drum which results pain and discomfort in the ear along with the dizziness.

8. Swimming or diving in contaminated water – It is also known as Swimmers ear which is the infection in the external ear because of the water trapped in the ear. Sometimes the increased amount of Chlorine in the pool water can also lead to infection in the ear responsible for pain in the ear.

9. Meniere’s Disease-It is a condition that affects the inner ear causing vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss and heaviness in the ear. It can be because of the excess fluid in the ear.

10. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction-It occurs when eustachian tubes do not properly equalize pressure between the middle ear and the outside environment, causing pressure and pain in the ear.

11. Vestibular Disorders– These are the conditions that affect the balance system in the inner ear. Vestibular disorders can cause vertigo, dizziness, unsteadiness, and ear pain. The disorders can be Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Labyrinthitis, Vestibular neuritis.


1. Pain mild or excessive or discomfort in one or both ears.

2. Redness or swelling in the ear

3. Discharge from the ear (clear, transparent, yellow, or bloody)

4. Hearing loss or decreased hearing

5. Ringing or buzzing in the ears (tinnitus)

6. Dizziness or vertigo

7. Fullness, heaviness or pressure in the ear

8. Difficulty sleeping or discomfort when lying down

9. Headache or facial pain or neuralgia

10. Nausea or vomiting

11. Fever or pyrexia


1. Belladonna-Characterized by  sudden and intense ear pain, particularly in the right ear.Often used for earaches that come on suddenly, are accompanied by redness and heat, and are made worse by noise or touch. Belladonna is also useful for treating earaches that are associated with high fever and a sense of fullness in the ear .Patient is usually thirstless. Pain is throbbing in nature.

2. Chamomilla-Earaches accompanied by irritability or restlessness. Indicated in children who are experiencing ear pain and are particularly fussy or difficult to soothe, extremely irritable child, can’t be consoled.  Earaches made worse by heat and relieved by cold applications, accompanied by a sensation of warmth in the ear.

3. Pulsatilla-Earaches worse in warm rooms and better in open air. Accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the ear and are relieved by cold applications. Useful for earaches that are accompanied by a thick, yellow discharge from the ear.Constitutionally the patient is very mild, weepy and always ameliorated by consolation and likes company.

4. Aconitum Napellus-Otalgia with a fever and a feeling of fullness in the ear.Earaches that come suddenly, are accompanied by high fever, and are made worse by cold drafts. Every complaint in  Aconitumi is accompanied by restlessness, anxiety and fear of death, and a sense of fullness in the ear. SUDDENNESS is always the key feature for Aconitum.

5. Hepar sulphurisHepar sulphuris is a homeopathic remedy that is used to treat earaches with a tendency to develop ear infections with discharge of pus and are made worse by cold applications. Accompanied by a sensation of fullness in the ear and are made worse by exposure to cold. Patient is very chilly and extremely sensitive to cold and draft of air.

6. Mercurius solubilis – Earache with thick, yellow discharge from the ear.Symptoms worse at night and in a warm room, and the ear may feel hot and swollen. Patient is very much sensitive to both the extremes of temperature also termed as BAROMETER in Homeopathy who is very much sensitive to even minor changes in the temperature.

7. Calcarea carbonica – For constitutions who are fat, fair, flabby and sweaty. It is indicated for earache with a tendency to develop ear infections, and with symptoms that are worse in cold and damp weather. Feels cold and easily fatigued, and have a tendency to develop ear infections quite frequently. Habitually constipated.

8. Lycopodium clavatum – It is indicated for earache with a sensation of fullness in the ear, and  symptoms that are worse in the evening and at night. The person may feel a sense of pressure in the ear, and the pain may be worse when lying down. Right sided medicine and symptoms are generally worse from 4 to 8 pm.

9. Silicea – Otalgia with a thick, white discharge from the ear, and with symptoms that are worse in cold weather. Patient is very much sensitive to cold and always hugs fire. Constitutionally the patient is hesitant, shy, obstinate and indecisive. The person may feel chilled and have a tendency to develop ear infections.

10. Ferrum Phosphoricum – Tendency to develop ear infections, and symptoms are worse in the evening and at night. Constitutionally the patient is tired and easily exhausted. This remedy is useful for earaches that are accompanied by fatigue.

11. Kali Bichromicum – For otalgia with yellow discharge from the ear, and symptoms are worse in the morning. The person may have a thick, yellow discharge from the ear and may feel a sense of fullness in the ear .The discharges are sticky and can be drawn in to threads.