
Dandruff On Head


It is a skin condition in which white or yellow flakes of skin appear on the scalp and in the hair. It is often accompanied by itching and can be caused by several reasons such as dry skin, yeast overgrowth, and sensitivity to hair and skin care products.
It is not only limited to scalp but it can also be seen on nose, ears, face, eyebrows, chest and other hairy body parts. Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the common causative factor for Dandruff. It can get worse when you are under stress or feeling sick.Cold and dry winters is another reason that can trigger dandruff.
Dandruff is one of the common reasons for the Hairfall as it causes weakened roots of the hairs.
When this condition gets chronic it also causes redness and irritation of the skin which gets very troublesome with time.

1.Eczema or Psoriasis– It is one of the factors for the dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the type of scalp eczema that is always associated with dandruff as its symptom. Psoriasis of scalp hence leads to dandruff.
2.Dryness Of Skin-It is always associated with dandruff.Dry scalp lead to dandruff.
3.Sensitivity To Hair & Skin Products- It can lead to contact dermatitis because the scalp can be susceptible to irritation and allergic reactions which results in dandruff as one of the symptoms. Sometimes the scalp becomes irritated or sore after usage of a certain hair and care product that finally causes dandruff.
4.Fungus Malassezia- It is one of the main culprit in the causation of dandruff. This fungus is present in the scalp. This fungus feeds on the oil present in the scalp and breaks the oil in to oleic acid , the scalp then reacts with this acid and increases the pace with which the skin cells renew leading to the formation of flakes, these flakes which are dead skin cells take the form of dandruff.
5.Using Shampoo Less Often-When the frequency of shampooing decrease it leads to the deposition of oil and dead skin in the scalp that worsens dandruff. Dabdruff conditioner can be used if the hairs are brittle.
6.Oily Skin-Not only the dry skin causes the dandruff but the oily skin at the same time is also responsible. Sebum(natural oil in the scalp) content increases in the oily skin that causes seborrheic dermatitits that leads to dandruff.

1.Flaking or scaling of the skin on the scalp-It is the most common symptom of dandruff and can range from small, white flakes to large, greasy scales.The flakes generally are of white or yellow color flakes appearing in the hair or on the shoulders
2.Itching or redness of the scalp-Itching can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing.
3.Inflamed or Irritated Skin-Dandruff can lead to itching , redness and discomfort.
4.Oily and Greasy Patches In The Scalp-Dandruff causes the scalp to become greasy and oily which worsens the flaking and scaling in the scalp.

Homeopathy plays a very significant role in the treatment of dandruff. Classical Homeopathy takes in to account the constitution of the individual and works on the root cause leading to a cure of dandruff on a long term permanent basis.


1.GRAPHITES- For fat, chilly, costive and constipated individuals who take cold easily.Rough, hard, persistent dryness of skin. Where ever the Graphites is indicated , the Eruptions ooze out transparent sticky discharge. Dandruff is present in the head, behind ears, nose and beard. Dnadruff is always associated with excessive itching and on itching the place becomes moist discharging a transparent sticky fluid.
2.KALI SULPHURICUM-The flakes in the dandruff are always of yellow color. Profuse desquamation of the scalp.Also indicated in Eczema and Psoriasis with itching and burning sensation. Ringworm of scalp or beard with abundant scales.
3.PHOSPHOROUS-Indicated in tall, slender and narrow chested individuals. Itching of scalp with dandruff and hairs fall leaving a patche. Also indicated in Alopecia areata where the hairs fall in bunches. Individual is very fond of spicy food and salt and is quite expressive and extrovert in nature, gels himself in new surroundings very easily.
4.SULPHUR-A very deep acting remedy, always craves sweet, dry scaly unhealthy skin. Itching and burning which is worse by scratching and washing. Excessive dryness in the scalp with dandruff. Dislikes water, dry and hard hair and skin. Standing is always the worst position for a Sulphur patient. Very red lips and face, flushing easily.
5.NATRUM MURIATICUM-Skin is greasy and oily especially on hairy parts, white flaky dandruff, person is emaciated and emaciation is most notable in the neck area, dry mucous membranes. Patient is depressed particularly in chronic diseases and likes to be alone and consolation or sympathy aggravates generally. Awkward and abrupt.
6.FLUORICUM ACIDUM-Adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. Patient is indifferent towards those loved best, inability to realize responsibility. Dandruff associated with profuse, sour, offensive perspiration.
7.ARSENICUM ALBUM-Indicated in dandruff where the scalp itches intolerably, circular patches of bare spot, scalp rough, dirty, sensitive and covered with dry scales, burning and itching most marked in night. Scalp very sensitive, cannot brush hair.