Classical Homoepathy

“Homoeopathy is an art & science and the true results are only obtained when the homoeopathic principles are being followed”

The Classical Homoeopathy takes in to consideration the SOUL, MIND & BODY which are the three indivisible aspects of the unit of life. The SOUL is supreme and causative, Physical and Mental diseases are merely bearing witness to disease experienced at Soul level.

Classical Homoeopathy is totally based on the principles laid by late German Physician Dr. Christian Fredricke Samuel Hahnemann who founded Homeopathy and cured innumerable patients during his practice. The cure here refers to real cure in which the disease is uprooted completely from the system.

The real essence and power of Classical Homeopathy lies in removing the disease completely from your system and not leaving even a remnant of it.

Classical Homeopathy is solely responsible for miraculous cures which you often hear in your daily life. For over two centuries Classical Homeopathy medical treatment has brought about cure for millions of people worldwide in a rapid , gentle and permanent way. It stimulates the body’s own natural healing response.

For every patient we have different medicines in Classical Homeopathy which are in resonance with the symptomatology of that particular patient. For e.g  “Migraine or any other complaint etc we have more than 300 medicines in Homoeopathy that covers the symptoms of that particular illness, out of which only one medicine will be in resonance with individuals symptoms at that time and that selected medicine when given will simultaneously cure the patients Migraine along with the other complaints also whether emotional, mental or physical complaints as this medicine is the patients Constitutional Medicine that covers almost 99% symptoms of an individual as a whole hence also known as Holistic Treatment”.

So in layman terms it is like opening a specific lock with the specific key, not every key can open up that specific lock and it becomes the responsibility of the Classical Homoeopath to find that key i.e the Medicine which is in resonance with that lock i.e patient. Hence the individual as a whole is treated and the treatment never remains localised except in acute cases which demand acute case taking.

So for a particular patient only one medicine can be in resonance with the patient’s presenting complaints(including emotional, mental, physical and disease symptoms) which will bring the cure and this medicine can never be substituted by any other homeopathic medicine and that is why we say, there are no surrogates in homeopathy.

In simple words you need a special key to open up a special lock , not every key can open up that special lock.

You can also understand like this that suppose there are 200 to 300 keys scattered and out of those 200 to 300 keys you have to find the key which will open up the lock and at the same time let me tell you that the lock can’t be opened up by applying 3 or 4 keys at a time i.e an ideal cure can’t be obtained by giving 3 or 4 medicines at a time or giving 3 or 4 medicines or more in alternation and it will only give a short term relief or it will not affect in the desired way and hence an ideal cure can never be obtained . Only classical homoeopathy can afford long lasting permanent relief and an ideal cure.

Hence this much hard work a Classical Homoeopath has to do to cure a patient and when this cure happens it lasts for a pretty long time or may be life long.

Mahatma Gandhi once said that “Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment.”

Hippocrates once said “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has”