

Abscess- An abscess is a collection of pus material beneath the skin or it can be located anywhere in the body. It is actually a mechanism of the body to fight infection. Generally it is caused by an underlying bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitical infection.

These are most commonly caused by bacterial Staphylococcal infection.

SYMPTOMS OF AN ABSCESS- Tenderness, pain and inflammation in the affected area, fever, generalized malaise, diminished appetite, weight loss, lymphadenopathy, bodyache etc. are the common symptoms associated with an abscess.

SCOPE OF HOMOEOPATHY IN ABCESS- Homoeopathy provides a concrete solution in the case of abscess and it has been seen many times that it works wonders even in the cases where surgery was advised as Homoeopathic medicines absorb the pus or it helps in draining out the pus(not considered if it is in the internal organs) in a most effective way and ultimately no surgical procedure is required.


1.SILICEA-Most effective and first grade medicine in almost every kind of abscess and gives hundred percent satisfactory results by absorbing the pus. Indicated in felons, abscesses, boils, old fistulous ulcers.Specific foe abscess of joints.The guiding symptoms are that the patient is lean, thin and emaciated and always hugs fire. Excessively chilly individual.

2.HEPER SULPHUR-Very effective for abscesses that are very very sensitive to touch and excessively tender. Ulcers very sensitive to contact. The guiding symptom is the great sensitiveness to slightest touch. Remember that the higher potencies abort the abscess by absorption while the lower potencies ripens it and helps in discharging the pus.

3.MYRISTICA SEBIFERA-Acts more powerfully often than Heper Sulph and Silicea. Hastens abcess and shortens its duration. Specific in panaritium and suppuration of middle ear.

4.MERC SOLUBILISFor ulcers irregular in shape and edges undefined. Indicated in buboes. The guididng symptom is the general tendency to free perspiration but patient is not relieved thereby and the skin is almost constantly moist.

5.CALCAREA SULPHURICA-Indicated where the abscess discharge is yellow, thick and lumpy. Used in Lupus vulgaris.

6.HIPPOZAENIUM-Indicated in scrofulous swellings, pyaemia, pustules and abscesses. Also indicated in lymphatic swellings.

7.CALCAREA FLUORICAIndicated in abscesses that are hard seldom used in soft abscesses. Induration threatening suppuration. Swellings or indurated/hard abscesses having their seat in the fasciae and capsular ligaments of joints and tendons.