Side Effects Of Homoeopathy
Although there are no known side effects of Homeopathy but there is a thing known as Homeopathic Aggravation which is the temporary worsening of the symptoms which can be contributed to the reaction of the body’s Vital Force, when a correct similimum / remedy is prescribed to the patient.
Although it has been noted that during Homeopathic Aggravation the Physical or General symptoms may worse temporarily but mentally and emotionally the patient feels much improved and stable.
But this Homeopathic Aggravation is not a must criteria for every patient, it varies from individual to individual depending on the susceptibility and other factors in an individual.
And in a Homeopathic Treatment this Homeopathic Aggravation is considered a good sign which indicates that the medicine selected is a perfect similimum and the patient is on the path of recovery.
The patient should always discuss the change in the symptoms with his Homeopathic Physician to determine whether it is a Homeopathic Aggravation or not.